

Jack Walker Racing is partnering with the NH Heart Association and is participating in the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk to promote physical activity to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Please join our team. Help us reach this lifesaving goal by donating today. Together, we can make healthier, longer lives possible for everyone. Why? … Life, life is why.

I have been raising money for a variety of charities ever since I started racing back when I was 6 years old. We attended a variety of different charity walks, Touch a Truck events, and gave a % of our sponsorship dollars to charities over the years.

For 2016 I decided to focus on one charity that really means a lot to me. I chose the American Heart Association because this really hits home for me. My Grandfather suffered from a heart Attack at 45 years old and was on heart medication ever since. My Grandmother passed away from a heart attack at 55 years old when I was only 5 years old. My other Grandfather had a quadruple bypass in 2007 and just last year had a stent put in. This got me thinking that something needs to be done. This isn’t something to start thinking about after a problem has occurred.

Heart health is something you need to work on right from the start. You can’t live without your heart, and it gets increasingly difficult to live without a healthy heart. I want to make sure that young people know that they need to be concerned about the health of their heart as much if not more than older people.

We are running a special sticker on our car called “Get your Heart Racing” in an effort to get people up and active. Remember to eat right, get some exercise everyday and take care of yourself. We want people to use #GetYourHeartRacing throughout all social media to show us how you get your heart racing everyday.

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  • Races273
  • Wins8
  • Top 5144
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